My Everyday Life

Another Saturday Night Show…

For those that aren’t aware, my husband is an independent wrestler. This has both its ups and downs. It’s safe to say, I have a strong love/hate relationship with the sport.

On one hand I feel as though wrestling has stolen my husband from me; he dedicates a lot of time to studying the sport, participating in a variety of promotions & spends a fair amount of time interacting with his fans and fellow sportsman.

On the other hand, it has lead me to meet wrestlers that I watched on TV as a child, meet many new people and share a lot of laughs with some really great friends.

I try to appreciate the fact that my day to day life is something that many fans dream they could experience, our friends are idols to many people around the world and for that I am extremely thankful to the various promoters, wrestlers, and experiences that I get to have.

Tonight, my husband “Lance Scaper” was booked at a show for a promotion in Colts Neck, New Jersey along with several of our wrestler comrades. So after we made our appearances at the two graduation parties we were invited to attend, our niece and my cousin, we headed out to the show.

All of the boys were on the second half and since I don’t actually go to watch the show, the kids and I spent the first half of the show outside the venue. It was held at a really nice park; there is a little pond, a really cool bird sanctuary (which I will get back to the birds in a second) and benches lining the building to overlook the park, which is where I sat with my book and watched the sunset.

Back to the birds- when we arrived at the venue our daughters found a baby blue jay on the sidewalk. He was baking in the sun and clearly in distress. Of course being the mom our kids begged me to help it (although I had very little hope it would survive the duration of the show) so I did. I moistened small pieces of bread that we fed to it, and placed it in the shade to cool down (it was 94 degrees at this point in the day). We returned to check in on it a little while later and gave it some more food. To my surprise this bird that we found practically lifeless was showing signs of improvement, but the mother had not come for it by the end of the night so currently we have a baby blue jay until I can contact a bird rehabilitation center in the morning (I was not going to allow it to die out there after saving it…here is a picture of him after a few hours of nursing him)

During intermission, before all of our friends were to preform our older daughter did tarot readings for a few of the wrestlers and girlfriends. This is a new found hobby of hers. She has always been a very spiritual child and it makes me really happy to see her enjoy something so much. (Not to mention that her readings thus far have been extremely accurate) I truly believe she has a special gift.

All in all, it was a great night. I again met new people, shared laughs with friends and enjoyed the simple things; like the beauty of a sunset, the preciousness of life, and the joy of hobbies that make you happy.

Most days I struggle to find what makes me happy. Tonight was a night where I realized that my “happy” is all around me… I just over look it a lot of the time.

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