
Well, That Was a Little X-Treme

For the last 5 Year’s I’ve had AT&T as my cell phone provider, and not only did the bill always manage to get higher regardless of what plan I chose or what phone I had, the service completely sucked ass (sometimes to the point of causing complete chaos).True story; a couple months ago my husband was out working a snow storm, he’s a landscaper so snow removal is part of his thing. My husband also happens to be famous for losing everything under the Sun (no joke, if his limbs weren’t attached he’d forget a leg at home). So instead of his boss handing his paycheck over to him to lose in the middle of a snow storm, I drove over to his bosses house to pick it up.

The kids and I hung out there for a hot minute and did some bullshitting and talking about life and what not but it was late and I don’t like driving in the dark, so we said our “see ya laters” and I told them I was headed home.

When I got in the car I had gotten a snap chat from my friend who had just finished decorating their yard for Christmas and told the girls we were going to head over there to check out the lights; they only lived 2 miles from where I was so why not (and well since I’m an adult, I wasn’t aware that I was supposed to let everyone know that my plans had changed).

So we headed over to check them out (and they were really pretty but you can only look at them for so long).

My best friend (actually 2 of them) live right next door to my dad so I figured we would pop in for a little visit. The girls spent time with my grandmother and I hung out in the man cave (which is referred to as “The Shack”) and just bullshitted with my dad for a while. Now, all this time I didn’t realize that I had no service on my cell phone; that was of course till an hour and a half later when I left and hit a service spot and my phone went off like fucking crazy.

I knew it would be my mom with her “where are you? “ “hello!!!!!!!!” “What the fuck?” “You better answer me!” “You got me worried” (my mom is extremely overprotective of me and sometimes I think she’s had a GPS locator installed in my ass) but what I didn’t expect was that there was 4 voicemails from my husband, several text messages from my husbands boss and his wife, and a wide variety of friends.

In the hour and a half that my phone went “off grid” the end of of the world started!

I called my mom back, who in turn lost her damn mind on me and then filled me in that my husbands boss jumped into his truck and was driving all my routes home to make sure that I wasn’t in a ditch somewhere with the kids (which, I am extremely thankful for because it feels wonderful knowing that people care that much about me). After getting yelled at I called the bosses wife to tell her I was sorry that I had everyone worried and I just didn’t have service, all to find out that she had called the Police Department to make sure there was no reported accidents involving a woman and 2 children.

I don’t think I ever felt like a bigger piece of shit for having everyone in my life worried sick about where I was.

That was the last straw in my overpriced lack of service! Without getting into to much private details, I still owed money on the phone I got through AT&T and it held me back from getting a different provider.

That was until last week when I said “Fuck it” and started comparing different phone plans and coverage areas etc. & I finally chose to switch to Verizon. Not only am I saving $60 (give or take) a month on my bill, I also got the brand new IPhone X (And a new number so that I could rid people from my life that I no longer wanted to be bothered with…TRIPLE BONUS POINTS FOR VERIZON)

Then the hate set in, “Why did you need to change your phone number?”, “How is it that someone that just lost one job and quit another one can afford the brand new IPhone X?” “Why do you have to always have the newest technology?”…. “can I have your old phone because mines a piece of shit!”

At no point did I feel the need to explain any of it to anyone. The answers were, because, because I can, because I want it, and no.

But you want to know the truth? The real reason I don’t feel the slightest bit of remorse for buying myself a $1000 cell phone?

I spend my life, every single day living for other people. I live for taking care of my husband, my children, my house and my dog. I give when I have nothing to give and take nothing even when I need it; because that’s the kind of person I am.

Everyday my children are dressed and fed, with a roof over their head and never want for anything. My husband busts his ass day in an day out to support our family, if he wanted something he gets it; because he worked damn hard for it and he deserves it.

Then there is me. I never treat myself to things. I don’t go buying new clothes or makeup, I don’t drive a brand new car or own expensive jewelry. I would rather be sure that my children and husband have everything they could want or need before I worry about myself. But; sometimes. I deserve to be rewarded too. Because we weren’t born to work and pay bills but to live a little. I just happen to live a lot in technology & this splurge just happened to be the IPhone X (which in all actuality saves my family money anyway).

So before you go and say, “Well that’s a little X-Treme” remember, I’ve weighed out the pros and cons of my decision; and oh, its not your business.

On a side note: The IPhone X is taking a little getting used to, but over all I’m pretty fucking excited about it 😁

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